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U. S. Marshals Real Estate Auction of William Ross Hickman assets in Ruston, Louisiana 1-28-25

U. S. Marshals Real Estate Auction of William Ross Hickman assets in Ruston, Louisiana 1-28-25

Start Time
End Time
A preview and inspection time has been set for the day of the auction from 1pm to 3pm CST at 2825 S. Service Road, Ruston, Louisiana.  New bidders must be pre-approved and have account set up prior to bidding. We recommend doing this early! Please do not wait until auction closes, as we approve bidders up until 6PM the day of the auction. Bidding approval is a one-time process, you will then REGISTER as normal for each auction, and you will not have to complete these steps as long as you maintain prompt payment and pickup history with us. 
Government Surplus Vehicle & Equipment & Open Consignment Spend Your Refund Check Sale 2-6-25

Government Surplus Vehicle & Equipment & Open Consignment Spend Your Refund Check Sale 2-6-25

Start Time
End Time
A preview has been set up for the day of the auction from 1pm to 5pm CST at The Lawler Auction Facility, located at 4813 Hazel Jones Road, Bossier City, Louisiana.  All bidders are strongly encouraged to carefully examine and inspect all items before placing a bid.